RM Physiotherapy Private one to one physiotherapy in Chelsea, London, SW1X 9AE

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Following a thorough assessment you can expect treatment combining some or all of the treatment options described here.

What to expect

Manual Therapy
Manipulation and mobilisation of joints to relieve stiffness and pain. The hands of the physiotherapist are used to mobilise (gently move) or manipulate (stronger movement) stiff or painful joints.

Muscle imbalance re-education
An assessment of muscle imbalance is undertaken followed by a program of exercises specific to you aimed at full recovery and prevention of further injuries. All parts of the body, including knees, back, neck, hips, wrists and elbows can be treated in this way. The treatment is concentrated on the injured areas.

Pilates and Core Stability Training -
Qualified Pilates Instructor, Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI)

These techniques and exercises are based on the activation of the deep abdominal and low back muscles to protect the spine, through exercise. The results are, improved posture and body shape, reduced backpain, neckpain and headaches, and enhanced sports performance.

As physiotherapists we are skilled in advice and education for a variety of muscular and joint problems. We have specific exercises to help reduce pain, improve strength and endurance, returning you to full function and sporting ability

Sports Massage
This technique is used to allow for gentle or deep soft tissue release as required. It helps improve circulation and reduce post-exercise soreness. It also increases flexibility, releases tight muscles and therefore enhances overall sports performance.

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