RM Physiotherapy Private one to one physiotherapy in Chelsea, London, SW1X 9AE


" I have worked with many of the leading physiotherapists over the past few years and Richard Misselbrook is one of the finest. As an active sportsman himself, he has first-hand knowledge of the problems that can beset athletes, and this is shown in his hands-on approach to physical therapy."
Bryan Ferry, Roxy Music.

"Richard is a rare find in London, a physio who is honest, straight talking and talented, he has succeeded in sorting my back out where many others had given up, oh and he comes to my office too... Who can ask for more than that?"
Hannah Roberts, Nylon Capital.

"Richard is not only technically highly competent, but also excellent at dealing with the ups and downs of a long recovery. The home visits are fantastic for anyone who can't get out of the house easily."
Rosemary Shannon.

"I broke the tibia bone affecting my knee. I was in plaster for around 8 weeks which left me with a very straight leg. It affected my knee and I was unable to bend it . It was thanks to Richard's patience and perseverence that I am today able to walk properly and bend my knee, almost to the degree I could before my break. It took approximately 2 years of physiotherapy. At times I almost gave up the whole process, as it was very painful and the improvement of the knee was so tiny week by week, that it looked as if no movement was happening at all. Richard is an excellent physiotherapist and I am grateful for his help in getting my leg back to normal."
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